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Thursday, July 2, 2009

8 Ways to stay on top of your home based medical transcription job

By: Ollie Style

You need to satisfy your clients if want to get more projects or dictations to transcribe in the future. Below is a list of things that you need to do in order to retain your client base and to keep them sending you medical records to work on.

Stay motivated
You have to always keep your self motivated and to do that you have to have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish in your case as medical transcriptionist you have to keep in mind that you need to finish each report as soon as you have it on hand. To be motivated think of the rewards that will follow if your clients are very satisfied with your work, It means more work and possibly higher rates for you.

Know everything
Research is the key to knowing everything that you need to know in medical transcription, don't stop researching and learning about medical transcription. Use the internet, buy books, attend seminars and upgrade your skills by enrolling in refresher courses about medical transcription. Your vocabulary of medical terms should also be growing as you progress as a medical transcriptionist. If you want to research about medical transcription you could go to this website:

Have a plan
Every traveler needs a road map so do you as medical transcriptionist. Map out your plan for the whole day or week. You could either use a planner or you a computer software to plan your day. If you are using Microsoft outlook use the calendar to plan your day and to remind you of the activities that you need to accomplish at a particular time during the day. This Microsoft application is particularly helpful if you have a lot of different things to do and for recurring activities.

Stick to your plan
Nothing will happen to your plan if you don't follow it, it will simply go to waste if you do not stick to it. Make it a point to do what is on your planner or reminder if you are using an electronic reminder. Only schedule simple tasks that are related to medical transcription in order to keep focused and be able to stick to your plan. And once you get the reminder do it immediately, act on it right away. Inaction will only make it harder for you to do things promptly, and scheduling it to another time will only take more time out of your schedule. So stick to your plan and you will have and will always be able on time and will be able to finish transcribing your assignments.
Stay positive Always
Look at the bright side no matter how hard or challenging things are, look for the silver lining and always be grateful for what you already have, remember your past triumphs it will help you stay positive about your medical transcription job.

Know the needs of your clients
Make it a point to talk to your clients, ask them what they want to achieve and what they want you to do. Send regular correspondence through email or fax and always let them know if you have any questions about what they want you to do. Remember that not all your clients are the same so communicate with them constantly in order to provide what they want.

Aim for the Stars
Make it a point to give it your best shot every time you do a report or listen to a dictation this kind of attitude will propel you to greater heights, and when you always deliver perfect reports to your clients they will always send you jobs to transcribe and they will not think twice to recommend you to their colleagues if they ask for good medical transcriptionist to work with.

Be Consistent
In order to be consistent you have to set your priorities, since you are a medical transcriptionist you have to prioritize your work. You should also stick to your plan no matter what happens. Set a standard time for you to do your activities for the day, if you need to listen to dictation in the morning do it everyday at that time. Break down your medical transcription project into small chunks, this way you will not be overwhelmed with the activities, and you will be able to consistently finish your daily tasks.

Follow these 8 tips to stay on top of your job as medical transcriptionist and see your client base grow rapidly.

Medical Transcription Jobs

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