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Thursday, July 2, 2009

10 Reasons why medical transcription is a good home based job

By: Ollie Style

Here is list of reasons why a lot of people choose to become home based medical transcriptionists
Easy to become one Yes it is quite easy to become a medical transcriptionist now a days specially because of the support and guidance you can get from schools and institutions that offer lessons and courses that is primarily aimed at developing or training home based medical transcriptionists.

People who have medical background would even have an easier time becoming a medical transcriptionist because they already have the medical vocabulary that is needed to become a good home based medical transcriptionist.

You can set your own hours
Another good thing about being a home based medical transcriptionist is that you could work anything you like, but of course you still need to finish transcribing at a specific time. The freedom that you get from working at home is like no other. You can work at night or in the mornings if you want, because different people work differently and function best at different times of the day being able to work at home can really work well for the work at home medical transcriber.

No need to dress up when you go to work Because it's a home based job you do not need be in your business attire, you could be in your pajamas and will still be earning like a full time employee. This sums up to a lot of savings as well, because you wouldn't have to spend on dry cleaning or laundry to much because you will only have to wear your regular clothes when transcribing.

You don't need to go through traffic
Traffic will not be an issue anymore since you will be working at home, no more aggressive or distracted drivers bullying you on your way to work thus you wouldn't have to worry about getting home in one piece, you will be in the comfort of your home office finishing your work.

You are your own boss
You will finally know how it is to become your own boss. You can earn more and be in control of your time and thus live a more rewarding life. This maybe the kind of freedom you have been waiting for, you will never know unless you try it. You could visit this website for home based or non home based medical transcriptionist job openings >>>

You can set your own rates
Yes you can set your own rates as a home based medical transcriptionist. You can set your rate to as low or as high as you want. But bear in mind that medical transcriptionists who have the skill, experience and certification can charge more than those who lack the needed requirements. So be among the ones who leads the pack, brush up on your skills and get your certification updated in order to effectively set your own rates.

According to the government medical transcription will continue to grow and thus will generate income for home based and non home based medical transciptionists. The government sited on one of it's reports that medical transcription will continue to grow even after 2014 this is partly because of our aging population which needs more medical attention which will eventually translate to more medical records and thus more jobs for medical transcriptionists. This means you are secured if you are medical transcriptionist or is planning to become one.

Transferrable skills
If you have been a home based medical transcription for some time now, let's say for four or more years you could easily teach or transfer your knowledge to people who are eager to become medical transcriptionists. You could guide or lead aspiring medical transcriptionist to the right direction and you can jumpstart their learning by carefully outlining what to do. Which means you could earn extra on the side as a consultant or a teacher of home based medical transcription.

Good compensation
Home based medical transcriptionists are well compensated because they dictate their own rates. A medical transcriptionist may charge per project or per hour but they usually earn significant amounts of money. So as a home based medical transcriptionist you could earn more than office going medical transcriptionists.

Sense of Pride
Lastly you will feel important because of the job you do because you help physicians organize and store their files, and you also help patients get the proper medication and medical attention when you effectively perform your job as medical transcriptionist.

These are your top 10 reasons why medical transcription is a good home based job. May these reasons help you decide to become a medical transcription or take a medical transcription course in order for you to jumpstart a home based medical transcription job or business. For more in information about medical transcription job openings visit:

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